Witty Writeups

10 Things I Learned Doing (Almost) 20 Interviews

Spotlights and Solutions

This semester I spent a long time interviewing for a full time job. Apparently CS interview season for new grads is in the fall. Early fall. I started interviewing seriously mid September and accepted my offer from Facebook late November. Here’s a few things, 10 specifically, I learned after 18 interviews (counting full day rounds as 1) and 30+ hours of interviewing. 1) Regarding my time line, everyone’s different. I had friends who accepted a job even before school started, and who started interviewing in August.

5 Jan 2016

Planning Planners: A 4 year journey

Jean's Journey

Introduction I did a lot of research for this post. Shoutout to all the girls on tumblr and youtube who’s life is perfect and together. For example: Especially their handwriting. One of my best friends has perfect handwriting: I should just hire her to write all my crap down. Her handwriting is literally so perfect it could be its own font. Mine’s okay when I try and kinda gross when I don’t.

3 Jan 2016

It's Okay to Cry: 15 Things I Learned My Senior Fall

Jean's Journey

It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to cry every Tuesday at noon for 20 minutes before big algs. It’s not because of big algs, but it was just the only time I had all week. I mean I already knew this from many semesters ago, but I think I must have forgotten this from the last couple of semesters. School can be hard, when you’re taking clinic, ai, PLs, and big algs.

16 Dec 2015

Summer 2015: Books

Jean's Journey

At long last, here is the final count of the books that I managed to read over the summer. Books Author Review Isla and the Happily Ever After Stephanie Perkins It’s a classic chick lit novel, the kind I use to read in high school but it was good. It was a good page turner and I got through it quickly, on a train and a plane. David and Goliath Malcolm Gladwell A new book by one of my favorite authors.

5 Sep 2015

Using Google Forms to Budget

Spotlights and Solutions

Before the summer So the background for this is that I’ve been using Excel to budget my summer spending since the summer after high school. A lot has changed since then. Back in Summer 2012, I spent less than $1000 for the entire summer, lived at home and worked 7 hours / week at a minimum wage job. This summer, I’m living with friends in Seattle, working full time at an internship, spending about $4000 for the summer.

4 Aug 2015

My Hugo Website Setup

Spotlights and Solutions

Getting Started I was lured to use Hugo because of its pretty front end on the main website and the promise that I could develop in Markdown. I have 3 websites, my front page, my blog and my portfolio and the first two are setup through hugo. Here’s my setup story. My setup I’m hosting it on github pages. Here’s my tutorial how to set that up. I’m using hugo with github pages.

3 Aug 2015

Resume Advice

Spotlights and Solutions

I’m not a professional resumé writing expert. But I’ve been getting practice updating mine for about 4 years now, since the senior year of high school (when applying to colleges) to now when I’m about to look for a real full time job on my way out of college (one more year left). For reference, my resume collection my resume templates, or my current resume. Here is my advice for how to present a summer experience, a project you did on a resume so that all the important information is communicated.

3 Aug 2015

How to ask for help: Then & Now

Jean's Journey

Someone at work gave me some helpful advice on Friday and I realized that there is another step in learning how to ask questions. The first stage in asking questions is the “help it’s broken” stage. It’s pretty much what it sounds like - something isn’t work, it didn’t compiled, maybe there was a seg fault, god forbid a merge conflict and you just give up immediately and ask for help.

26 Jul 2015

Git Hacks - WIP Edition

Spotlights and Solutions

Today’s post is about some quick git command line tricks if you are doing some work in progress (WIP). Scenario: You are working on the master branch and then realize you are going to have to test these changes on a bigger scale (perhaps cross repo) and thus new to push your changes to a new branch. Setup: On master branch, some git add have been made, no commits yet. Solution: First, remove all the staged files from the master branch.

21 Jul 2015

The only books I read (anymore)


I used to read a lot. I grew up reading lots of books from fantasy (all of Harry Potter like many) to cheesy teen romance novels. I even read a book once (okay the entire series) that was written in the style of an IM conversation. In high school I read the classics - To Kill a Mockingbird, Catch-22, Hamlet, for English, which I liked but only because we had to analyze “deeper meaning” and that was more fun than I knew it could be (but that’s a story for another time).

17 Jul 2015